Friday, July 2, 2010

Welcome to MY Fantasy football world!

Chances are, if you've found this blog, your desperate for anything football right now, like me. It's July for Christ's sake! America's celebration of Independence is days away, and we can't watch America's favorite sport! What is wrong with the world that we live in! Baseball is America's pastime, I get it. But PAST is the key word there people! Football is America's lifeblood! We're the only country that plays it(shut up, Canada), its OURS. In fact, when the NFL plays game in other countries(Hello London), its called American football! I just cannot comprehend why, on America's greatest day, we have to scrounge the Internet for stories on OTA's and individual workouts. Move training camp up a few weeks! Hell, get college football started early. Something!
I apologize, everyone. I had to get that little tirade out of the way so we can focus on the positive: The colossal, magnificent monster that is the NFL has begun to stir, and training camps will be starting at the end of this month, with the Cleveland Brown's kicking things off on the 23rd. And as many of us know so well, As soon as the beast starts stirring, so does everything around it. Most importantly: Fantasy football!!! If you're reading this, then you have likely already joined at least one league, and have already started doing your research, preparing for your drafts, trying to find that hidden gem who will become a star this's great isn't it? I'm getting excited(yep, that kind of excited) just thinking about it! Well, If you've read all of this just to get to who my preseason gems are, who I'd take numero uno, And who to stay away from on draft day....sorry! This is just my introduction, me letting you know how my mind works. I am immediately writing my next entry after I post this, and that will be all Fantasy talk. Promise. Peace

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